of Dissapointment

We are not preventing any pregnancies. For the past few months, we are not preventing but we know that I have to find a job first before being pregnant. Now, I have a job for 2-3 weeks so far and we are actively trying to TTC. I took 2 pregnancy tests yesterday. It was negative but I saw a very faint pinkish line after the testing period. I was excited but sceptical because it is cheap pregnancy test. So, I stared at it for nearly half hour and googled for any clues. I think it is evaporation line. So, I took another test. It is negative for the first 10 minutes. After that, I threw away the strip. Not going to keep and give myself false hope.

I have been feeling twinges in the abdomen and near my bellybutton. No other symptoms. Now, I’m having a slight headache. Most probably I did not eat yesterday and having low sugar level. I ate 2 pieces of bread and 2 packets of biscuits. Still having headache. Most probably it is the Monday’s blues.

To think of it, we are really early in this TTC. However, I feel macam dah lame. Anyway, I will be going for ultra scan mid of May to see if there is any issue or cysts. I want to take the medications to regulate my cycle and hopefully Allah berikan rezki for us. In sha Allah.

I will not buy anymore pregnancy tests to keep them just in case. I will end up using them and feel terrible looking at the BFN.

As for now, I want to focus on other stuff.

I will not take any pregnancy test until I’m sure the symptoms are clear or I am having morning sickness. I will not torture myself with more BFN and googling every single thing about early pregnancy symptoms, TTC etc. Tawakkaltu. Let it go. Just do your best and Allah will do the rest. Enjoy the process. Enjoy this duo status. Enjoy being free. Go travel and have fun.


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